Devils Peak - Standard Route

Class 4

Info on SummitPost: Drive Deer Creek Road just over one mile to a closed logging spur (elevation 1968′). Walk this road approximately two miles until reaching the third switchback (variations are possible – read agreenstreet’s page on Devils Thumb for an excellent route description and map). The road is not in great shape, but…

Bacon Peak - From East

Class 2

Steph’s description: A lovely snowy high camp, no trailhead!

Icy Peak - Icy Peak via Ruth Mountain

Class 4

This is a fun/great peak for two reasons or more. One is the moderate climbing required to summit. Two is that this is still a North Cascade Peak not climbed by hordes of people giving you some remoteness without bushwhacking or spending days getting to the peak.  Some reports are from climbers doing the Ruth…

Nooksack Tower - Beckey-Schmidtke

5.4, 6 pitches

A glacier approach leads to a 50+ degree, 800-foot (240m) snow & ice gully, then to another 800 feet of rock climbing, ranging from class 3 to perhaps 5.4. Objective hazards include crevasses, a bergschrund, steep snow/ice, avalanches, and steep, loose rock. While a fast party can do it in a weekend, our threesome took…

Outer Space

5.9, 5 pitches

Pitch 1 – 5.4-5.7 This pitch starts off easy, but finding the correct anchor is tricky. Somewhere on the left there’s the correct anchor for the start of P2, which traverses on ledgy terrain. Pitch 2 – 5.0 From the anchor, traverse left on really easy blocky terrain. Pitch 3 – 5.9 The crux pitch.…

Amphitheater Mountain - Pilgrimage to Mecca

5.9, 4 pitches

20 mile approach Protection Doubles from .3 – 3, one #4, set of nuts, a few small cams. Gear belays/anchors. Mountain Project Location Located on the blocky, stepping stone-like Ka’aba buttress 2 doors to the left of middle finger buttress. If camping on the north side of upper Cathedral lake, walk around the lake on…

Mount Berge - East Ridge

5.8, 15 pitches

Super long approach but fun climbing? Seems like it has a trailhead 🙁 Sources

Cathedral Peak - Southeast Buttress

5.9, 10 pitches

Looks like AWESOME rock, mostly 5.8 pitches with one 5.9 and one 5.7 Resources Steph Abegg Cascade Rock book To camp Backpack to Upper Cathedral Lake via Andrews Creek trail, it’s 19 miles with 5,511 feet gain. Approach About a 45 minute approach from the camp (far side of lake), only 1.3 miles with 470…