Parent Goat Wall
YDS rating 5.11a
Pitches 7


  • 60m rope
  • 14 draws (10 sport, 4 single alpine)
  • Radios (comms on P3 and P7 are a little difficult)
  • Optional #3 cam for P3 (not really necessary, it’s easy)


The climbing up to the base is 4th class and is easily scrambled, just beware of loose blocks.

Park at the Goat Wall parking and walk back towards Mazama for 50 yards. Take the trail up to a large pine next to the cliff. Then, turn right and follow the trail for ~300 (?) yards. You will have to scramble 5.0 for ~50′ to the base of the climb.

For a general idea of where the first 5.7 pitch is, keep an eye out for a wide crack that leads up to the left of a 15′ white patch. The bolt line is just the the left of the crack, and eventually enters the crack.

Near the large pine tree seen below, head up to the wall.

P1: 5.7; 6 bolts; 28m

Link with P6 with a 60m rope (14 bolts, 200′)

P2: 5.9; 7 bolts; 29m

P3: 5.10b; 10 bolts. 45m

Starts with unprotected 4th class ramp out right (can place a 3-3.5″ cam, people have also used rocks wedged in the crack as stoppers). Awesome.

While on this exposed pitch, look for the tree on climber’s left. This will have rap chains that should use to get down with one 70m rope.

P4: Easy 5th. 3 bolts. 36m

Pass a set of chains on the left. When rappelling, if you have 70m, you can rappel this pitch in one single rope stretcher. Otherwise use the intermediate anchor.

P5: 5.8; 7 bolts; 37m

Ends on 5.8 slab and on a hanging belay. When rappelling, this pitch is only 30m, but it’s more like 37m when climbing due to the initial traversing nature of it.

P6: 5.11a; 8 bolts. 24m

Very thin, well protected crux (can aid it if can’t climb it). End on a hanging belay.

P7: 5.10a; 12 bolts; 40m

End on a hanging belay. Passes an intermediate anchor 3/4 of the way up.


From top of P7, you can rap with a single 60m rope (10 rappels) by using each rappel anchor… About <50 mins if simul-rappelling efficiently.

  • R1: Short rappel ~15m to intermediate anchor in middle of P7
  • R2: Rappel remaining ~25m of P7
  • R3: Rappel P6 (~24m)
  • R4: Rappel P5 (30m, just at rope end)
  • R5: Short rappel ~10m to intermediate anchor on P4 (just like two ledges down)
  • R6: Rappel remaining ~26m of P4
  • R7: Rappel straight down ~25m (don’t try to follow the traversing P3). You should find the next bolted anchor by simply continuing straight down, it’s on a ledge.
  • R8: Rappel remaining ~25m to the scramble section at the start of P3.
  • Walk the remaining ~10m to the top of P2
  • R9: Rappel P2 (~29m)
  • R10: Rappel P1 (~28m)