Parent Goat Wall
YDS rating 5.9+
Pitches 5

Rebolted in 2022, this is now a decently well bolted route! Any mentions of “30 ft runouts” are outdated.


  • 60m rope
  • 15 draws


  • 20 min approach
  • 2:00 hrs climbing? (20 mins/pitch?)
  • 1:00 hr rappelling? (6 rappels)
  • 4 hours car-to-car?


About 20 mins. Park next to the 45mph sign, the trail starts immediately behind the sign.  Follow the trail up to the treeline, then the rock cairns throughout the scree/talus. As you get higher up, follow the right trending path into scree at a vague fork. The left, better marked trail continues to Sisyphus and Flyboys. The route starts at the toe of Buffalo Point Buttress near a prominent fir tree on a huge ledge at the bottom of the route. This route was established for climbers with a better lead head.

P1 – 5.8+, 45m?

Pass an intermediate rap anchor.

P2 – 5.6, 45m?

Pass an intermediate rap anchor.

P3 – 5.7, 30m?

Halfway up P3, walk to the right of a small tree.

P4 – 5.9, <30m

Crux is the small roofs halfway up, some say this is the hardest move of the route.

P5 – 5.9+, 50m

The most sustained pitch, fun. Pass an intermediate rap anchor. Also near the top, ignore the alternative belay on the far left. Should be a good spot for lunch before rappelling back downl.


6 rappels with a single 60m. Stop at the stations with chains (usually different rappel anchors than belay).