Parent Liberty Bell
YDS rating 5.6
Pitches 4


  • #0.4-3 with optional double 0.5-2
  • Nuts
  • Many slings
  • 60m rope


At the base of P1

P1 – 5.3, 130′

Climb the chimney/tunnel (easier) OR the face to its left (a little more sustained), belay from a large ledge with a tree.

P2 – 5.5, 130′

Continue up the chimney for about 30m, climbing past chockstones and blocky slabs until reaching obvious 3rd/4th class terrain. People say this is the most difficult pitch. Belay from a tree.

P3 – 5.5, 120′

Ascend the 4th class terrain to a 6 foot finger-crack traverse past a large roof (climbing past a fixed pin) (5.5), then follow a dihedral back to the right and up onto the summit shoulder. Belay from a tree, use long slings and watch the rope drag.

P4 – 5.6, 200′

Shortly after leaving the belay on the ridge to the summit, you’ll encounter a slabby 5.6 boulder problem ~10′ high. After surmounting this obstacle it is easy 3rd/4th class terrain to the summit. Belay from a tree 20′ below the summit on a good ledge. Then it’s a 2nd class 20 ft scramble to the summit.


From the summit, go back down maybe 25 feet of the route you ascended, but veer to skier’s left and look for a groove in the rock. Take caution on slabby down climb and you’ll see a couple slings wrapped around a tree with double rings. 60m rope is sufficient.

  • R1: ~28m, down to the large ledge below.
  • Scramble/down-climb skier’s right leading to a cliff. Look right, and you’ll see a rock ledge and bolts on a wall.
  • R2: Rappel climber’s left toward a large tree with a small platform next to it.
  • R3: ~25mm find bolts on the wall climbers right of the tree, rappel down into the gully where the standard route starts.

First two rappels…

Photo of the R2 anchor…